HTTP Security Headers
- HTTP Security Headers
- The Headers
- Demo: configure!
- Questions
HTTP Security Headers
## HTTP Header
- Metadata = Communication between server & client
- HTTP Status - HTTP Version, Status Code (200 success, 404 not found)
- General Headers - date, cache-control
- Request Headers - User-Agent, Cookie
- Response Headers - Server, Content-Type
- Entity Headers - Content-Encoding, Content-Language, Last-Modified
- Security Headers - [in this presentation]
- Custom Headers - password: Open sesame
### How to see HTTP Headers
Use Google Chrome >
Inspect >
Network >
click "your HTML page" >
## HTTP Security Headers
### HTTP Security Headers (HSH) - Where?
- Server configuration
- .htaccess
- HTML (only CSP)
- Joomla core plugin
### HSH - Server configuration
in Nginx
add_header X-Content-Security-Level "topsecret" always;
### HSH - .htaccess
Header set X-Content-Security-Level "topsecret"
### HSH - PHP
header('X-Content-Security-Level: topsecret');
### HSH - HTML
Only CSP...
### HSH - Joomla core plugin
System > Plugins > System - HTTP Headers
The Headers
### The HTTP Security Headers
- X-Frame-Options
- Referrer-Policy
- X-Content-Type-Options
- Permissions-Policy
- Strict-Transport-Security
- Content-Security-Policy
- Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
## X-Frame-Options - Issue
- Your nice website
- is loaded on other website in an iframe
- with invisible layer on top
- visitor tries to click button original website...
## X-Frame-Options - Issue
- Clickjacking
- Malicious website displays transparent iframe
over a legitimate webpage
- tricking the user into clicking on elements
of the hidden page
## X-Frame-Options - Solution
- Do not allow your website
to be loaded via iframe
- "x-frame-options: SAMEORIGIN"
## Referrer-Policy - Issue
- Your nice website
- links to external website
- visitor clicks on link to external website
- external website knows where visitor came from...
## Referrer-Policy - Issue
- Your visitor clicks on a hyperlink to another site
- browser communicates where you come from to new site (via referrer in HTTP header)
- Issue: your website https, target website http = "downgrade" of the connection for the visitor
## Referrer-Policy - Solution
- Disable referrer
- "Referrer Policy: no-referrer-when-downgrade"
### Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy (COOP)
- Visitor visits your nice website
- in a second tab they open another website
- the second website might have code
- that influences the first tab...
### Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy (COOP)
- Instructs browser to restrict conditions
how new browsing context (new window or tab) can be created or interacted with
- "Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy: same-origin"
### X-Content-Type-Options - Issue
- A visitor on your nice website
- uploads an example.png file
- that contains JavaScript
- visitor 2 opens page with example.png
- the browser loads that example.png
- sees the file as JavaScript and executes it
### X-Content-Type-Options - Solution
- Disable content determination via MIME
- "X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff"
## Permissions-Policy - Issue
- your nice website
- loads other website in iframe
- your visitor gets access camera request
- thinks it's yours and allowes it
- other website has access to camera
### Permissions-Policy - Solution
- configure which features are allowed to be used
- by website, frames, or iframe embedded content
- (formerly known as Feature Policy)
- Permissions-Policy: accelerometer=(), camera=(), geolocation=(), gyroscope=(), magnetometer=(), microphone=(), payment=(), usb=()
### Strict-Transport-Security - Issue
- your nice website
- always uses https
- hence, the connection is encrypted
- one day, https changed to http
- because of a Man-(or Female)-in-the-Middle attack
- the communication of form input not safe
### Strict-Transport-Security - Issue
- Traffic to your site is protected via SSL/TLS (https)
- Due to some technical difficulty, the website is served without SSL/TLS (as http)
- The returning visitor expects https and submits a form with personal details
#### Strict-Transport-Security - Solution
- Be strict and enforce https
- Deny the returning visitor's browser to use http
- strict-transport-security: max-age=15768000 (convert all HTTP requests on this
website to HTTPS in the next 6 months)
### Content-Security-Policy - Issue
- your nice website
- has an old 3rd party comments extension
- which has a vulnerability
- a bad visitor adds comment
- with malicious JavaScript
- another visitor reads the comment
- and browser automatically executes the JavaScript
### Content-Security-Policy - Solution
- Be strict
- specify what internal/external sources you allow
- like Javascript, CSS, images etc
- Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'self'; script-src 'self'
'unsafe-inline'; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; connect-src 'self'; img-src 'self'
data:; base-uri 'self'; form-action 'self'; style-src-attr 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; style-src-elem 'self'
'unsafe-inline'; frame-src 'self'
### Content-Security-Policy - Solution
- script-src - JavaScript
- 'self' - from website itself (using same scheme, host, and port)
- 'unsafe-inline' (not the most secure!) - permits inline JavaScript and event-handling HTML attributes (like onclick)
- explicitly allows loading the JavaScript file matomo.js from
### Content-Security-Policy -
"nonce" and "script hashes"
- Nonce (number used once) - unique token generated by server for each HTTP response
- Content-Security-Policy: script-src 'nonce-YourUniqueNonceValue';
- or inline JS:
< script nonce="YourUniqueNonceValue">
// Your inline script here
< /script >
- Script Hashes - allow script to execute if content matches cryptographic hash specified in CSP
- Content-Security-Policy: script-src 'sha256-abc123';
### Content-Security-Policy -
How to config?
- Switch on CSP with "Report Only"
- Use Google Chrome > Inspect > Console
- Check and solve errors
- Take extra care: CAPTCHA, Youtube videos, Google Maps/OpenStreetMap, etc
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
### Cross-Origin Resource Sharing - Issue
- your nice website
- a registered user is logged in
- did not log out and visits malicious website
- malicious website posts form to your website
- together with session cookie of registered user
### Cross-Origin Resource Sharing
- same-origin policy = too strict for access to resources
(like fonts, APIs, or scripts) hosted on different domains
- CORS = safely relax this policy under controlled conditions
- In Global Configuration: Server > Web Services > Enable CORS
Demo time!
## Photo Credits